Before I start, let's enjoy this Idea Fair 2016's video. Not a promotion video, is end-of-event video. I wandered if there is anyone made this kind of video or really took some nice photos and videos for this event, since I was not photographer that day. This video was made from google photos apps in smartphone, pretty convenient if you are taking photos with your phone and synchronizes to cloud, as the apps will just compile some of the videos and photos to a video about 60 to 90 seconds. What you have to do is to change the filter, trim the desired length of each video, change the sound, rearrange the video and... the whole thing will take you about 30 minutes the most. Nice right?
Back to previous Idea Fair, the only different is that in 2015 we were work together with people from same batch (2nd year) but now only 3 or 4 of us were third year students, the rest were from 2nd and 1st year. Indeed it is fun to work with a group of friend with same level of maturity. No offend XD
Idea Fair 2015 banner
We were in PUMA hall in 2015
Banner of 2016
My DIY 3D printer
Again I brought my wife (this 3d printer) for exhibition. Last time I won RM200 (Best Project Demonstration and Best Categories award) with her. But still not enough to cover the expenses to build this huge thing. Thinking of to make this thing smaller, since this prototype was proven work, and... I think the components/materials can be use to make two smaller size 3D printers, just the matter of time. Hopefully I can find a true partner with same thought, ambitions, idea, characteristic before I graduated, or I will just leave here with nothing. Well, come back to the topic, continue to enjoy my masterpiece.
Guess what? magnetic levitation!!
Tango Tan
Hao and Shang Jie
They are playing Raspberry Pi game with monitor
My dear friends: Jason Yap and Koh
If not mistaken this game called "guess the pictures", the most
attractive mini games
It is fun to take nature pictures where they are thinking or doing something seriously rather than having a "NICE" posture that always shows their best in photo. Agree?
Appreciate this event as it really helps some of the "maker" in this University to exhibits their idea/project in front of so many people (I would suggest to let those exhibitor to introduce their idea on the stage). Yet the feedback and response not that encouraging as what was happening last year. Number of exhibitors and participants were just too... And I think that the exhibitor should be made up of students rather than companies right? Since we were asked to present the idea not the product, at the same time the participants should be the company, come to us and tell us what should we do to improve our project. How come you expect the companies to present their ideas, it is highly confidential!!
But I think this condition will stay or even worse in coming year, and not one can actually change anything. People are too enjoy with playing, not willing to spend time to learn more, or just want to learn without apply their knowledge. Indeed I spent most of the time tried to help everyone to learn and do, in the end they just showed me how busy they were, as I never been in their position before, at the sometime uploaded their photos of having fun, how relax they were with luxuries food, told me that tey do not really have money to spend on a project. Really piss me off, LOL.
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